Giáo án Tiếng Anh năm 2010

Giáo án Tiếng Anh năm 2010

Period: 91

 Unit: 15




 - Help Sts some vocabulary about countries nationalities and languages to talk about where people are from.

- To develop in Sts the speaking, reading and writing skills.

- By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to use vocabulary and structure in the future well.

1. Knowlege :

 - Where are you from?

 I’m from Viet Nam.

- What is your nationality?

 I'm Vietnamese.

- Which language do you speak?

 I speak Vietnamese.


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Preparing date : /04/2010
Teaching date : /04/2010
Period: 91
Unit: 15
Lesson: 1
 - Help Sts some vocabulary about countries nationalities and languages to talk about where people are from.
- To develop in Sts the speaking, reading and writing skills.
- By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to use vocabulary and structure in the future well.
1. Knowlege : 
 - Where are you from?
 I’m from Viet Nam.
- What is your nationality?
 I'm Vietnamese.
- Which language do you speak?
 I speak Vietnamese.
2. Skills:	listenning & reading. 
1. Settlement : Greetings
 Checking absentees
2. Checking : 
1. Checking up:
* Arrange the words into meaningful sentences.
a. do/ you/ do/ what/?
b. she/ a/ student/ is.
-T gets feed back from Sts.
a. What do you do?
b. She is a student. 
3. New lesson: 
 Introduce the new lesson using the old lesson
I. Vocabulary:
1. the world: thế giới(situation)
2. from (prep): từ (situation)
3. nationality : quốc tịch (situation) 
4. (to) speak : nói (translation)
5. language : ngôn ngữ (synonym)
Have sts read chorally 
* check: rub out & remember
Viet Nam
Great Britain
English & French
Have sts read out after the T.
II. Presentation:
1. Set the scence: picture
Susan: Where are you from?
Minh: I’m from Viet Nam.
Susan: What is your nationality?
Minh: I'm Vietnamese.
Susan: Which language do you speak?
Minh: I speak Vietnamese.
2. Pratice reading
T practices with sts, then have them do
T gets feed back.
3. Do the concept check:
- Meaning?
- Form? 
1. Where + be + S + from?
 S + be + from + tªn n­íc
- Use: Hỏi – đáp xem ai đó từ đâu đến(từ nước nào đến)
- Intonation?
2. What's + your (his/ her) nationality?
 S + am/ is/ are + quèc tÞch. 
Use: Hỏi- trả lời về quốc tịch.
- Intonation?
 Which + language + do/ does + S + speak?
 S + speak(s) + tªn ng«n ng÷.
Use: Hỏi và trả lời ngôn ngữ em dùng.
III. Practice: 
1. Listen and repeat: 3 P155
2. picture drill
 T models with a good student
 - Where are you from?
 I'm from France.
 - Where is Laura from?
 She is from Canada. 
IV. Production: 
T models:
Lee is from China. He is Chinese. He speaks Chinese.
Have sts do then get feed back from sts
Say out English
Read chorally & individually
Write down
Do rub out & remember
Give words
Practice reading after the T
Say out the words
Read chorrally & individually
Practice reading T-Sts, half – half
Open pair-close pair 
Do the concept check
retell meaning, form, 
use, intonation 
Write down
Run through all cues.
Practice after the T’s model.
Practice T-STS, half-half, Open pair-close pair 
Listen to T's model
Do individually
Read out their sentence
Others correct
4. Consolidation: 
- The main structure & vocabulary?
5. Homework: 
- Practice the structure at home -
- Write 3 sentences to talk about where you are from, your
nationality, the language you speak.
- Do Ex 1,p82, 1p83.Prepape lesson 2: A.5-6
6. Supplementary :
Preparing date : /04/2010
Teaching date : /04/2010
Period: 92
Unit: 15
Lesson: 2
- Help sts some vocabulary and write a poscard about being on a vacation.
- To develop in Sts the speaking, reading and writing skills.
- By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to write a poscard about being on a vacation to a friend.
1. Knowlege : 
Write a poscard about being on a vacation. 
2. Skills:	writing & reading. 
1. Settlement : Greetings
 Checking absentees
2. Checking : 
1. Warm up:
* Answer these questions
a. Where are you from?
b. What is your nationality?
c. Which language do you speak?
 T gets feed back from Sts.
a. I'm from Viet Nam 
b. I'm Vietnamese.
c. I speak Vietnamese.
3. New lesson: 
Introduce the new lesson using the old lesson
I. Vocabulary:
1. a poscard:bưu thiếp (realia)
2. (to) be on vacation: kỳ nghỉ, đi du lịch 
3. wet (adj): ẩm ướt (situation)
4. a lot of = many: nhiều
5. interesting places: những nơi nổi tiếng. 
* Check: rub out & remember
II. Pre- writing:
 Set the scence: (picture)
Guess to answer the questions:
1. Where is Minh on vacation?
2. What's the weather like?
3. How does he travel?
4. Which places does he visit?
T gets feed back from sts 
III. While writing:
1. Read the poscard & check their guessing:
Have sts read the poscard & give the answers
1. He is on vacation in London.
2. It's cool and wet.
3. He travels by bus.
4. He visits a lot of interesting places.
- Get feed back from sts by reading out the answers
* Help sts know the steps of writing a poscard.
* Elecit sts some interesting places.
2. Write a poscard to a friend.
IV. Post writing:Hang the poster of each group & 
get sts check then T show sts a writing model: 
Say out English
Read chorally & individually
Write down
Do rub out & remember
Read questions on the poster
Do individually
Share with a friend
Say out the guessing
Read the poster
Say out the answers
Others correct
Listen to T’ answers
Work in four groups
Correct the mistakes
Read the T's model
4. Consolidation: 
- How to write a poscard and the steps of it?
5. Homework: 
- Write your own poscard to a friend.
- Do Ex 1P 85.Ex 6 p157 textbook.
- Prepare for the lesson 3:B.1-2 .
6. Supplementary :
Preparing date : /04/2010
Teaching date : /04/2010
Period: 93
Unit: 15
Lesson: 3
- Help Sts some vocabulary, comparing places with comparative and superlative of one syllable, reading comprehension .
- To develop in Sts the speaking, reading and writing skills.
- By the end of the lesson Sts will be able to use vocabulary and structure in the future well.
1. Knowlege : 
 Comparation: comparative and superlative.
 Reading comprehension.
2. Skills:	listening & reading. 
1. Settlement : Greetings
 Checking absentees
2. Checking : 
1. Warm up :
* Answer the questions: P6 /157
a. What's your name?
b. How old are you?
c. Where are you from?
d. Which school do you go to?
-T gets feed back from Sts.
a, I'm.....
b, I'm....
c, I'm from.....
d, I go to Tu Lan secondary school. 
3. New lesson: 
 Introduce the new lesson using the old lesson
I. Vocabulary:
1. the capital: thủ đô (situation)
2. the building: tòa nhà cao tầng (picture)
3. the population: dân số
 Tall - taller - the tallest
 Cold - colder - the coldest
 Small - smaller - the smallest
 Big - bigger - the biggest
 Wet - wetter - the wettest
 Hot - hotter - the hottest
Have sts read chorally 
* check: rub out & remember
II. Presentation:
1. Set the scence: picture
Lan: Ha Noi is bigger than Da Nang
Ba: But Ho Chi Minh is the tallest.
2. Pratice reading
3. Do the concept check:
- Meaning?
 1. S + be + short Adj + than+S2
- Use: cấp so sánh hơn (so sánh giữa hai người/ vật) 
 2. S+ be + the short Adj+ est.
- Use: So sánh hơn ,nhất (so sánh 1/ người với nhiều vật/ người)
* Note: Tính từ ngắn là tính từ có một âm tiết
- Với các tt ngắn kết thúc bằng một phụ âm trước đó là một nguyên âm thì ta gấp đôi phụ âm rồi thêm er/ est.
1. Listen & read A1 P158
2. Read the text & fill in the gaps:
Ha Noi
 3. Answer the questions: 
a. No, HCM city is bigger than Ha Noi city.
b. Mexico city c. Tokyo
IV. Production: Have sts read the number:
13.6 = thirteen point six
6.3 = six point three
Say out English
Read chorally & individually
Write down
Do rub out & remember
Give sentences
Repeat after the T
Practice reading
T-Sts, half – half
Open pair-close pair 
Do the concept check
retell meaning, form, 
use, intonation 
Write down
Listen & read after the disc 
Pratice reading the text
Do individually
Share with a friend
Listen to Others' correction
Listen to T’s answers
Practice reading the number
Read the number of population
4. Consolidation: 
- The main structure & vocabulary?
5. Homework: 
- Practice the structure at home
- Write 2 sents using comparative and 2 sents using superlative
- Do Ex 2,P82, 2 p83
- Prepare for the lesson 4:B.3-4 .
6. S ... e quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any 
1. Knowlege :
- Adverbs of frequency
- Suggestions , Weather , season , pastime , Sports , How long ?
- Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any ) 
2. Skills:	speaking & reading. 
1. Settlement : Greetings
 Checking absentees
2. Checking up/Warm up: 
1. Warm up 
Hold a game : brainstorming 
Ask Sts to find as many words as possible about sports , weather , season 
*/ Find words 
- weather : hot , cold . cool , warm , rainy , sunny , humid 
- season : spring , summer , autumn , winter 
- sports : soccer , tennis , basketball , badminton .
3. New lesson: 
 Introduce the new lesson using the old lesson
1. Presentation 
Ask Sts to repeat the position of adverbs in the sentence . the way to make suggestions , the use of quantifiers , how long ?
Ask Sts to copy these into the notebook .
2. Practice 
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the photo .
Ask Sts to compare the answers with a partner .
Key :
Ex 1 . 
1. am always 
2. often read 
3. usually listens 
4. sometimes have 
5. am always 
6 . Never goes 
Ex 2 
1. a little 
2. a few 
3. a little 
4. a little 
5. a few 
6. a few 
7. a little 
8 . a few 
Ex 3 
1. Why don’t we walk to school ?
2. What aboput visiting her?
3. What about having a picnic ?
4. Why don’t we go swimming ?
5. Let’s clean the board .
Ex 4. Write about Phu Tho 
Eg : 
Phu Tho is my hometown . It has a population of 1.3 million 
3. Production 
Ask Sts to read the right sentences again 
4. Presentation 
 Comparaties and superlatives comparatives + er.
superatives + est 
* Tenses of verbs .
*Present simple tense 
S + V ( s, es )
* Present progressive 
S + be + V – ing 
* Future 
S + be going to + V 
5. Practice 
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the photo 
6. Production 
Ask Sts to have peer correction first then give the right answers 
*/ Adverbs of frequency .
Always – usually – often – sometimes – never 
Before V after be 
Adv + V 
Be + adv 
He is always free on Sunday .
He often goes fishing on Sunday .
*/ Asking about the weather
What is the weather like in Hanoi today ?
It is hot 
What + is + the weather + like ?
It is + adj 
*/ Making suggestions 
- Let’s + V
- Why don’t we + V ?
- What about + V-in g ?
*/ - Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any ) 
Ex1 .Put the adverbs into the correct position
1.I am busy on weekdays ( always)
2.Do you read a newspaper in the morning? 
( often)
3.Lan listens to music in her freetime. 
( usually)
4.Where does she has breakfast? ( sometimes)
5.I am free everynight ( always)
6. Minh goes fishing ( nevert)
Ex 2 : Fill in the blank with a few/ a little 
1.I would like some coffee , and I like .......................... sugar in it.
2..................... friends will join us to go to Hue.
3. I have ............................. time to look after the children.
4. The windows are so small that the room gets ......................air.
5. The village is very small . There are only................................. houses.
6 . There are ........................of eggs in the fridge.
7. I know you have........................ money. 
8. We have .......................days for holiday.
Ex 3 : Rewrite sentences so that the meaning does not change .
1. What about walking to school ?
" Why ?
2.Let’s visit her 
 " What ?
3. Why don’t we have a picnic ?
" What ?
4. Let’s go swimming 
" Why?
5. What about cleaning the board ?
" Let’s 
Ex 4 : Write a passage of about 70 words about Phu Tho . Use these suggestions 
+Name of the town : Phu Tho 
+Population : 1.3 million 
+River : the Red river 
+Hills : palm trees 
+King Hung Temple 
*/ Find words about these topics 
- Country : river , lake , mountain , forest , desert .
- Adj : long , short , big , small 
*/ Comparative 
S + Be + Adj- er + than + N
*/ Superlative 
S + Be + the + adj – est + ( n)
*/ Tenses of verbs 
*/ Present simple tense 
S + V ( s, es )
*/ Present progressive 
S + be + V – ing 
* / Future 
S + be going to + V 
-Do the exercises in the photo 
-Have peer correction 
-Read the right sentences again 
-Copy the homework .
4. Consolidation: 
- Asks ss to remind the content of the lesson.
5. Homework: 
-Ask Sts to learn by heart these and prepare well for the test.
6. Supplementary :
Preparing date : / /2010
Teaching date : / /2010
Period: 10
- The teacher can test her Students’ knowledge and at the same time remind them of the language materials they have learnt in the previous units.
- Developing: four skills.
1. Knowlege :
Grammar: Review the structures and the words
2. Skills:	speaking & reading. 
1. Settlement : Greetings
 Checking absentees
2. Checking up/Warm up: 
1. Warm up 
Hold a game : brainstorming 
Ask Sts to find as many words as possible about sports , weather , season 
*/ Find words 
- weather : hot , cold . cool , warm , rainy , sunny , humid 
- season : spring , summer , autumn , winter 
- sports : soccer , tennis , basketball , badminton .
3. New lesson: 
 Introduce the new lesson using the old lesson
1. Presentation 
Ask Sts to repeat the position of adverbs in the sentence . the way to make suggestions , the use of quantifiers , how long ?
Ask Sts to copy these into the notebook .
2. Practice 
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the photo .
Ask Sts to compare the answers with a partner .
Key :
Ex 1 . 
1. am always 
2. often read 
3. usually listens 
4. sometimes have 
5. am always 
6 . Never goes 
Ex 2 
1. a little 
2. a few 
3. a little 
4. a little 
5. a few 
6. a few 
7. a little 
8 . a few 
Ex 3 
1. Why don’t we walk to school ?
2. What aboput visiting her?
3. What about having a picnic ?
4. Why don’t we go swimming ?
5. Let’s clean the board .
Ex 4. Write about Phu Tho 
Eg : 
Phu Tho is my hometown . It has a population of 1.3 million 
3. Production 
Ask Sts to read the right sentences again 
4. Presentation 
 Comparaties and superlatives comparatives + er.
superatives + est 
* Tenses of verbs .
*Present simple tense 
S + V ( s, es )
* Present progressive 
S + be + V – ing 
* Future 
S + be going to + V 
5. Practice 
Ask Sts to do the exercises in the photo 
6. Production 
Ask Sts to have peer correction first then give the right answers 
*/ Adverbs of frequency .
Always – usually – often – sometimes – never 
Before V after be 
Adv + V 
Be + adv 
He is always free on Sunday .
He often goes fishing on Sunday .
*/ Asking about the weather
What is the weather like in Hanoi today ?
It is hot 
What + is + the weather + like ?
It is + adj 
*/ Making suggestions 
- Let’s + V
- Why don’t we + V ?
- What about + V-in g ?
*/ - Indefinite quantifiers ( a lot of, lots of , a little, a few , some , any ) 
Ex1 .Put the adverbs into the correct position
1.I am busy on weekdays ( always)
2.Do you read a newspaper in the morning? 
( often)
3.Lan listens to music in her freetime. 
( usually)
4.Where does she has breakfast? ( sometimes)
5.I am free everynight ( always)
6. Minh goes fishing ( nevert)
Ex 2 : Fill in the blank with a few/ a little 
1.I would like some coffee , and I like .......................... sugar in it.
2..................... friends will join us to go to Hue.
3. I have ............................. time to look after the children.
4. The windows are so small that the room gets ......................air.
5. The village is very small . There are only................................. houses.
6 . There are ........................of eggs in the fridge.
7. I know you have........................ money. 
8. We have .......................days for holiday.
Ex 3 : Rewrite sentences so that the meaning does not change .
1. What about walking to school ?
" Why ?
2.Let’s visit her 
 " What ?
3. Why don’t we have a picnic ?
" What ?
4. Let’s go swimming 
" Why?
5. What about cleaning the board ?
" Let’s 
Ex 4 : Write a passage of about 70 words about Phu Tho . Use these suggestions 
+Name of the town : Phu Tho 
+Population : 1.3 million 
+River : the Red river 
+Hills : palm trees 
+King Hung Temple 
*/ Find words about these topics 
- Country : river , lake , mountain , forest , desert .
- Adj : long , short , big , small 
*/ Comparative 
S + Be + Adj- er + than + N
*/ Superlative 
S + Be + the + adj – est + ( n)
*/ Tenses of verbs 
*/ Present simple tense 
S + V ( s, es )
*/ Present progressive 
S + be + V – ing 
* / Future 
S + be going to + V 
-Do the exercises in the photo 
-Have peer correction 
-Read the right sentences again 
-Copy the homework .
4. Consolidation: 
- Asks ss to remind the content of the lesson.
5. Homework: 
-Ask Sts to learn by heart these and prepare well for the test.
6. Supplementary :

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